Thursday, September 18, 2014

Mrs. Crisp's 1st grade group project

Students were asked to have a discussion to figure out who was going to color what section.  I explained to them that there is no fighting or crying .  We have to work through our disagreements and find compromise.  Think of ways to solve our disagreements so that it feels fair to each person.  I really enjoy listening to the students discussing their plans and working out their differences.  I had a couple students who wanted the same area and they decided to draw lines to section off their territory.  It was sweet that the third student said, "I am happy to color any part of this project."

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Cave art shock!

Ms. McCall's second grade class is featured in this post.  Students drew animals like the ones found in the caves of Lascaux. 
Once we completed coloring I asked a student to volunteer their project for demonstration of the next step of the project.  Denni offered her project I asked her three times if she was sure.  She was still on board.  
The students were sitting on the edge of their seats with curiosity of what I was about to do.  I had been hinting to the students that I would be shocking them with the next steps.  So I took Denni's artwork and crumpled it.  Jaws dropped.  Shock was on their faces but they all were quick to crumple their paper and the giggles and excitement was fun.  The next shock was tearing the edges.  What great sports.  I will be posting final projects.  Enjoy these smiling faces.